♡ stronger ♡

Assalamualaikum, hey stalker. I guess you found me lol. Welcome to my random rants. A lil sneak peak of what's happening in my life. Instead of talking, i write everything that happened in my life here. Bear with me.

Entries About Linkies Stuff

Personal Space


Base: Dilla Eyra
Header By : ~*Mary*~
Edited By: Adiba/Me


I’m sorry if I’m not a good wife for you. All I’m trying to be are the best wife, partner for you. I guess i didn’t try hard enough kut. Sorry i pushed you too much that night. Never have i thought that things could become this way. Jujur, it’s not that i dont let you eat durian ever, cuma malam tu before makan durian, makanla something yang berat. You only ate maggie and straight away main bola, how could i let you eat durian when knowing that maggie is acid and your health condition yang ada gerds. Demi Allah, i takut. I takut sangat if your gerds come back. I’m afraid of losing you, losing my husband. I cuma ada suami i and family i jer. Why can’t you understand me as a wife? 

Tapi tak sangka, because i care very much and too much, sampai I didn’t know merimaskan you. Sampai you sanggup marah, ignore i, you didn’t even speak to me the whole night like you always do. Even in front of my family, i terasa dipalaukan oleh suami sendiri. Sad, so sad. It hurts me so much. You compare i dengan mak you. Im really sorry I can’t be like your mak. I’m so sorry. 

Keciknya hati, Allah je yang tahu. Terkilan sebab suami yang i sayang, yang i cinta lebih dari my ownself buat i macam ni. I get it, it’s my fault for caring too much, for not letting you eat durian, yes you can be mad at me but janganlah sampai ignore i like I didn’t even exists. I told you many times, i hate being ignore. 

Takpela, I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry you got me as your wife. I’m sorry I’m not perfect and never will be a perfect wife. I’m sorry i don’t understand you. I’m sorry I’m not good enough being your wife. I’m sorry for being sucks as a wife. I’m so sorry.