♡ stronger ♡

Assalamualaikum, hey stalker. I guess you found me lol. Welcome to my random rants. A lil sneak peak of what's happening in my life. Instead of talking, i write everything that happened in my life here. Bear with me.

Entries About Linkies Stuff

Personal Space


Base: Dilla Eyra
Header By : ~*Mary*~
Edited By: Adiba/Me

When people you thought would understand you, but then he’s exactly like other people who doesnt understand you. When you thought you can depend on him to gets you, to back you up, ended up also blaming you. 

Yg faham diri ini hanyala mak abah ku.

Suami yg i harapkan untuk memahami i malah sedikit sebanyak mcm menyalahkan diri i atas kerengangan hubungan dgn cousin i. I faham bila you ckp main phone tu satu bad habit. I faham sgt. Tapi untuk seseorang yg dah lama kenal i, dari kecik dengan i, dia tak patut persoalkan benda tu skrg. Dia patut faham benda tu adalah habit i, just sbb of that bad habit terus nak label i tak appreciate memories all that. Kenapa skrg nak persoalkan? Lepas ape i buat just to be there with them all this time. Balik kerja penat2, terus on badminton, on lepak2. Tak nampak effort i to create memories dgn dorang. Even i broke the rules to stay overnight dgn dorang, sampai mak abah i marah2. I try to improve myself kali pertama dorang tegur i, tapi still nak point that out. Even you suami i pun tak nampak effort i. Org yg i harapkan sgt2 untuk be there dgn i, ended up sgt kecewakan i. You ckp i tak boleh ditegur. You know, that hurts a lot. A lot. Bcs its coming from you. The man that i love with my whole heart, my bestfriend. I tak boleh ditegur sbb benda yg you tegur tu salah, tak valid untuk i, sbb dorang tak wajar nak marah i just sbb benda petty and stupid mcm tu. Nape dorang tak boleh faham? And you pun tak faham diri i? Why? Just why even you suami i pun macam nak blame i juga? 😞